Body Treatments

Three Things to Know about 3D Scanning in Austin

A man and woman running with their dog.

As part of your daily morning ritual, you may weigh yourself, especially if you have been trying to build muscle or lose weight. Regrettably, most scales that measure weight alone are inaccurate. If you are blessed with a more modern scale that measures both weight and body fat percentage, it still may not show accurate enough results. 3D scanning technology will help to fix the discrepancies found in scales found in most homes and will give you the most accurate, in-depth measurements of everything you need to tailor your lifestyle to the proper specifications for your unique and individual traits based upon your results. Here are three things to know about 3D scanning in Austin.1) 3D scanning will measure your entire body’s inches. This means that each body part will have its circumference measured accurately to give you a valid description of your actual size. This is helpful because, while weight does matter, muscle weighs more. Your scale may not accurately depict your health or true body mass index.

Not only will 3D scanners measure your inches, but you will receive detailed information about what body fat percentage is within the constraints of those inches. This will help you to tone and target localized and specific areas on your body while exercising. Through 3D scanning, you will further gain the ability to hone in on training methods that you otherwise may have ignored otherwise based upon ill-given advice from well-intentioned personal trainers.

2) You will receive your unique and individualized metrics results of both muscle gain and fat loss through continual 3D scanning measurements. This is a great tool to utilize if you are training for long-term lifestyle changes or for a competition.

If you have been working out, trying to gain muscle mass, or trying to lose weight, you will be able to fully visualize your results with 3D scanning in Austin. The before and after comparison shots will mean a lot more to you if you have the metrics data to back up why your jeans are now fitting looser on your body.

3) 3D scanning will assist in attaining your weight loss or muscle gain goals by providing you long-term visualizations of where you will be if you achieve those goals. For example, if you input data for a particular set of goal metrics, you will receive a 3D visual to show you exactly what you may look like upon goal achievement. This serves as great motivation to dig deep and fully commit to your lifestyle changes.

Typical scales, while beneficial, merely do not make the cut for valid determination of what your individualized body fat and muscle mass truly is. This may lead to unhelpful diet plans and exercise plans that are not tailored to what you genuinely need for your body’s unique metrics and specifications.

If you are serious about making lifestyle changes and living your best life, 3D scanning is a surefire way to make that happen by taking your uniqueness and personalized needs into consideration.