Our Nutritional and IP Coaching Team
Stefani, Jill, Joel, & LaChanda
Our Coaching Services
IP + Member
- Coaching Support for all 4 Phases of the Ideal Protein Program
- Lifestyle Coaching Maintenance Program after you hit your ideal weight
- Weekly 1 on 1 Coaching Appointments
- Detailed progress
- Educational tips and support
- Modifications to your program to keep you progressing to your goal
- Text Support with your Coach
- Access to Our Private Facebook Support Community
- Ideal Smart App Platform (digital Access to the Ideal Protein Video Library anytime from anywhere)
- View your Ideal Protein appointments
- Set your goals and monitor your progress
+5% off retail products at Ideal Nutrition
+3D Styku Body Composition
- Our Styku is a 3D body scanner that accurately re-creates your body’s shape, circumferences, and composition.
- Track your body’s changes in 3D and see your progress. – you can see exactly where you’re slimming down and by how much.
IP Couples Member
+All IP + MonthlyÂ
+5% off retail products at Ideal Nutrition
Not looking to do Ideal Protein?
Ok. Cool.
Interested in Customized Meal Plans & Certified Nutritional Support?
Our Nutritionist offers a variety of different meal plans customized to fit your needs!
With you, your lifestyle, and dietary preferences in mind, our Nutritionist is able to create a meal plan that is easy for you to manage and be successful at!
A few examples of diet preferences our Nutritionist creates meal plans with:
- Â Â Moderate-Carb
- Â Â Gluten-free
- Â Â Dairy-free
- Â Â Low-carb
- Â Â No-carb
- Â Â Carbohydrate cycling
- Â Â Intermittent fasting
Not only does our Nutritionist take your eating preferences in to consideration, but she also uses your activity level and BMR to help adjust the right calories and macro-nutrients into your meal plan.
If you exercise, or want to start exercising our Nutritionist can help create a meal plan that fits your calorie needs and aids in your overall goal.
We understand everyone has different goals and lifestyles, if you’re looking for a flexible meal plan that can be customized to you and your needs then a customized meal plan may be best for you!
Initial Nutritional and Weight Loss Coaching Consultation
A private, in-office nutritional and weight loss coaching consultation that includes a complete assessment of your medical and nutritional history, an assessment of your individual calorie and protein requirements, short- and long-term goal setting, personalized nutrition counseling to help you meet those goals, and a customized meal plan with specific food recommendations.You will also receive a 3-D Body Scan that goes over measurements and body composition.-This one-hour one-time consultation is $100.
Follow-up Consultations
Follow up sessions are used to assess progress towards meeting your goals, provide additional education as needed, and review your meal plan and adjust as needed.3-D Body Scans can also be done at Follow-up appointments.-Follow-up consultations can be conducted over the phone or in-office and are $50 for a 30-minute session.
Individualized Meal Plans
These 7-day meal plans will spell out exactly what you need to eat to meet your calorie needs and dietary restrictions.-Cost is one-time cost of $80, which includes a 30-minute consultation.
Nutritionist Support Membership– Customized Meal & Supplementation Plans Based on Clients Goals
These customized meal plans will spell out exactly what you need to eat and when to meet your calorie needs and reach your goals!This type of plan is ideal for someone who has an active lifestyle and needs help fine tuning their diet to either cut fat, build muscle, or increase athletic performance.
-Cost is our monthly membership of $100.