Skin Tightening

Is Kybella The Right Choice for Your Chin Skin Tightening?

Submental fullness – or a “double chin†– is among the most common signs of aging or weight gain, caused by a buildup of fat on the neck. It’s also one of the most visible signs. For years, submental fullness was extremely difficult to treat, as even typical weight-loss programs often failed to eliminate double chins.Now there is a new alternative for chin skin tightening: Kybella.

What Is Kybella?

The primary active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid. This acid naturally occurs in the body, and aids in the breakdown and absorption of body fat. Kybella treatments simply supplement the amount of deoxycholic acid in your body, and target a key area where fat-burning is desired – under the chin.

Kybella treatments do not merely remove fat. They destroy the fat cells beneath the chin. So, once the chin has been restored to the desired level of slimness, treatments can be discontinued with minimal chances of relapse or fat re-gain.

How Many Kybella Treatments Are Needed for Chin Skin Tightening?

The number of Kybella treatments will depend on each patient and the amount of excess fat they wish to remove, in consultation with their qualified weight loss specialist. However, the number of treatments will never exceed six. According to Kybella’s manufacturers, in clinical trials 59% of patients received the full six-treatment schedule.

How Is Kybella Administered?

The process begins with a full consultation with a healthcare specialist to determine whether Kybella is recommended, and if so, the amount of fat to be removed. Then, each Kybella session involves multiple small injections under the chin in targeted areas. The injection process only takes around 15-20 minutes, and ice or local anesthetics can be used to minimize discomfort.

If multiple treatments are indicated, these will each be spaced at least one month apart.

Does Kybella Cause Pain or Other Side Effects?

There may be some amount of swelling, bruising, or numbness beneath the chin. These effects almost always go away on their own within a few days.

Is Kybella Right for You?

Only a trained weight management specialist can decide if you are a suitable candidate for Kybella. If you are interested, contact to schedule a consultation.