Women's Vaginal Rejuvenation

Experiencing Urinary Incontinence? Here are Your Options!

A woman covering her mouth with both hands.

Urinary incontinence occurs when a person is unable to control the bladder, leading to urine leakage. This often happens when you laugh or cough or may be characterized by a sudden, intense urge to urinate. While many people are affected by urinary incontinence, they may feel self-conscious about bringing up the subject with a professional. Doing so is important, however, because treatment options are available for those who are affected by this condition.

A Note About Lifestyle Changes

Urinary incontinence develops as a result of other conditions. For many people, limiting certain foods or beverages can eliminate this inconvenient symptom. These include alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, artificial sweeteners, carbonated drinks, spicy foods, foods and beverages high in vitamin C, and certain medications such as blood pressure and heart drugs. Many women experience incontinence during pregnancy that resolves when the baby is born. But what if the condition does not resolve on its own?

Treatment of Underlying Health Issues

Bladder infections and constipation can both lead to incontinence. Treating this issues will often resolve the problem. When men experience urinary incontinence, it can be a sign of prostate cancer or an enlarged prostate.

Treating Your Bladder and Pelvic Floor

Strengthening your bladder muscles and pelvic floor can help alleviate stress and urge incontinence. One of the best ways to do this is through the use of BTL EMSella treatment. We are proud to offer this treatment for urinary incontinence, as it is both non-surgical and reliable.

If you’re experience urinary incontinence, you know firsthand how upsetting the condition can be. Fortunately, our team at can recommend the best treatment for your symptoms and underlying health conditions during an initial appointment at our office in Georgetown or Cedar Park. Contact us today to book an appointment and get started!