Wellness Treatments

Consider Vanquish ME Treatments

A woman in white bikini standing on the beach.

Do you feel like diet and exercise have failed when it comes to getting rid of fat on your body? This is a very frustrating spot to be in. Many people out there spend a lot of time planning healthy meals and working out. However, no matter what they do, they still feel unsatisfied when they look in the mirror. If this describes your situation, we invite you to consider Vanquish ME treatments.If you have heard anything about body contouring treatments, you probably like the idea of being able to get rid of stubborn pockets of fat. However, using surgery, having your fat frozen, or experiencing some other uncomfortable sensation may turn you off. We are excited to tell you that Vanquish ME is an amazing body contouring treatment that never even comes in contact with your body. It uses a radiofrequency device that disrupts the fat cells in the treated area. This causes the body to naturally eliminate them.

What kind of results can you expect with Vanquish ME? Most people are able to get rid of almost 60 percent of fat when the device is used in the midsection. This treatment has the ability to heat the fat under the skin without causing the skin to be overheated. This means that your skin is not harmed, but the fat cells underneath are destroyed. In the weeks that follow the treatment, your lymphatic system will get rid of those dead fat cells, and you will notice that your body becomes thinner.

This is a completely non-invasive treatment. While nothing will come in contact with your body, you will feel a warm sensation. Many of our clients have described it as the sensation they feel when a heating pad is put on their body.

In order to get the best results, we recommend that our clients have a series of Vanquish ME treatments. When you come in for your initial consultation, we will be able to set up an exact treatment plan based on your wants and needs.

If you are interested in the benefits that come from Vanquish ME, you are warmly invited to set up a consultation. Contact us today to book your appointment at our office in Cedar Park or Georgetown!