Hormone Replacement Therapy

Is BioTE Hormone Therapy Right For Me?

A woman standing with her arms crossed.

Several different hormones are created by the endocrine system to help regulate and control some of the most important bodily functions, including hunger, sleep, reproduction and your overall mood. Since the body needs the hormones to work properly, you will start to feel unwell if your hormones become unbalanced. You may start to feel tired while also noticing major changes in your skin and hair. If you are experiencing troubling side effects from a hormone imbalance, then BioTE® hormone therapy could help you to feel normal again.BioTE® hormone therapy is a medical process that replaces your depleted hormones with special pellets. The hormones provided by the pellets are designed to be virtually identical to hormones the endocrine glands produces. All of the bio-identical hormone pellets are made from natural plants and custom compounds. They are also rigorously tested to ensure their purity and effectiveness. Since the pellets can be made to mimic estrogen and testosterone, BioTE® hormone therapy can be used to help both men and women.

This form of hormone therapy is much safer and more reliable than other similar options because the pellets release consistent dosages every day. The lack of fluctuations in the dosage eliminates any risk of unwanted side effects. This means almost everyone dealing with unbalanced hormones will be a great candidate for BioTE® hormone therapy. It has been proven to successfully improve sleep patterns, libido, bone density and several other hormone-related medical issues.

The hormone pellets will start working as soon as they are placed inside the body. They will gradually release hormones into your bloodstream to improve your health and well-being. Some patients start to notice feeling better after just days, but it may also take weeks before you start to see the positive results of BioTE® hormone therapy.

If you are interested in BioTE® hormone therapy, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us and book an appointment in Georgetown or Cedar Park. Contact us today to set up a consultation and learn more!