Vectra H2 Imaging System

Let’s “face†facts: It can be difficult to envision your treatment results prior to having your procedure. Seeing other patients’ before and after photos is often very helpful, but unless you can envision it on your own face, it can be hard to imagine how a procedure will look on you.

Thankfully, as technology continues to improve, so too does imaging equipment and its possibilities.

One of the best imaging devices is the Canfield Vectra H2 imaging system is the 3D skin analysis.

3D skin analysis identifies, analyzes, and displays results for Spots, Wrinkles, Texture, Pores, Brown Spots, and Red Areas. Graphs depict the calculated score for each feature.

  • Filter Colors: The Canfield Vectra can actually filter color from your image to help you visualize what your skin might look like after procedures such as the CO2 laser that are designed to reduce redness or brown spots on the skin.
  • Skin Tracking: Using what is known as markerless tracking, the Vectra can track and map the surface of the skin to help you better visualize texture changes following your procedure.
  • Accurate Measurements: The accurate measurement function of the Vectra can help you visualize changes in your face following procedures such as rhinoplasty, neck liposuction, chin genioplasty, and more by showing you what your face will look like following any bone movement or bone or cartilage reduction.
  • Skin Volume Changes: Useful for procedures like face-lifts, the volume measurement can show you what your face will look like by allowing you to visualize the “degree of contour change†your face will experience following your procedure.
A series of photos showing the face and eyes of an older woman.
A series of photos showing different stages of facial skin color.

Youthful Solutions in Cedar Park offers the Canfield Vectra H2 system to our patients considering facial cosmetic procedures. To schedule a consultation, please call us or send us the web form. 

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